
Showing posts from November, 2012

9 Attitudes towards a happy ‘You’

  Gratitude Appreciate what you have and value it. Try counting your positives and be grateful for all the good things and people in your life. Stop complaining and be thankful for what you already have and you'll soon start feeling happy. Optimism Treat failure as an opportunity to learn a new and better lesson from life, and that's the trick to manufacture  optimism  in life. Never give up trying because that's an indication that something better is in store. Once you start harbouring an optimistic attitude towards life, success will automatically follow. Avoid comparison Nothing is as awful as comparing yourself to someone else. If you think you're better that the other person, you're letting yourself regale in an unhealthy sense of superiority. If you demean yourself in front of others, it means all your hard work and progress has been in vain. While social comparisons are unhealthy, self-improvement is effective. Kindness There's a scientific reason b

Have you beaten your child Today?

Dear Friends, How many of us have shown our anger which may come from others , show on our Children ? Have you experience this situation ?  When your son or daughter have try to tell something, we may tell that " Don't Tell anything .  I Know about you .. Do What I Say Ok "...Go and start studying "..  But the Real Truth is Our Child is always right and we are actully wrong. Recently our team has received a sms.  " One Father has beaten heavily  his son for writing on his new Car.  Due to this, his son has major injury in his hand. .  His father become upset. In the evening while  standing near his car, he saw that his son's words  on the Car "DADDY I LOVE YOU ".  So Please think few minutes, before showing anger to your child. Ok friends, as usual we want to highlight some points. Please listen what he is telling Please spend some time for your lovable child Play with him. Encourage and appreiciate his work, his handwr

Happy Diwali

Dear Friends , While reading this post, the Diwali Celebrations may be over.  Let me think what is a Festival.. Is it  Buying a new vehicle  Becoming an owner of a New Smart phone with lot of exciting offers. Watching the interviews of Cine actors or watching the recently released films in the idiot boxes in the name of special programs Not only this  friends...     We must thank God for giving this opportunity to celebrate.  We can perform Pooja.  or We can go to temple to thank god. We must spend the time with our family members and help our relatives if they are really in need. We may visit to an ashram and take one day expenditure for the poor children in a day of this week. We may present some presents to our paremts. The above is not applilcable for children Dear Children Wear New Dress Burst Crackers with care of parents Enjoy Diwali VENKAT PAKKANGAL TEAM wholeheartedly wishes all our valuable readers a very very happy and bountiful DIWALI