
Showing posts from March, 2013

How to tackle this summer ?

Dear Friends, The summer has started. In the starting itself  it is too aggressive.   How to tackle this summer ?  Even though it is a simple question, it is important.   We recommend to take the fruit Guava.   The benefits are tremendous.  If we take this on regular basis many of our health problems many vanish.   Treatment of constipation Reduce cholesterol  level Cure for hypertension Rich in Vitamin C Dear friends, Take Guava and enjoy GOA is vacation . 

Happy World Water Day

Dear friends, The year 2013 is announced by UN as   International year of Water Co operation    March 22 is celebrated as World Water Day .   I s this a happy time to celebrate ? No.   We are avoiding our duty of giving this natural resource to our future Generation.   Many Ponds are becoming Plots. Good quality water are wasted or misused.  Cutting down trees    What  we can do at our level ? First of all preserve and save water.     Use Rain water conservation methods in our houses. That means all the water pouring in the top of our houses may go to the ground within our house.  This may increase the ground water level which is depleting  beyond the expected level. Have some social concern Tell your kids about the importance of Water Plant more plants   Happy Water Day  

Exists or Extinct ?

Dear Friends, How many of us like sparrows ?  The answer is All. Its briskness, its cute and beautiful appearance and its voice relax us. But  it is true that our children will see sparrows only in books.   What is the cause ? 1. Modern Houses 2. Depleting Food resourses 3.Pesticides 4.Pollusion 5. Electro Magnetic waves  OK.  What we must do ? Grow Natural Plants Avoid Pesticides Buy a Nest Box and Put it before our home if possible. Try to reduce mobile phone usage as it could not be avoided in these times.  March 20 - Happy World Sparrow Day 

Sugar Problem. This may help you

Other language users please excuse - editor நீà®°ிà®´ிவைக் கட்டுப்படுத்துà®®் கரிசலாà®™்கண்ணி: கரிசலாà®™்கண்ணியின் பொதுவான குணம்  கல்லீரல், மண்ணீரல், நுலையீரல், சிà®±ு நீரகம், ஆகியவற்à®±ைத் தூய்à®®ை செய்யுà®®் சுரபிகளைத்தூண்டுகிறது. உடல் தாதுக்களை உரமாக்குகிறது. உடலை பொன்போல் à®®ாà®±்à®±ுகிறது. இருà®®்பு சத்திக்களை உடையது. காà®®ாலை எதுவாயினுà®®் குணமாக்குகின்றது. நீà®°ிà®´ிவைக் கட்டுப் படுத்துகின்றது. சளி, இருமல், தோல்பற்à®±ிய நோய்களுக்குà®®் மருந்தாகுà®®். பொதுவான குணம் என்னவென்à®±ால் கல்லீரல். மண்ணீரல். நுலையீரல், சிà®±ு நீரகம், ஆகியவற்à®±ைத் தூய்à®®ை செய்கிறது. சுரபிகளைத்தூண்டுகிறது. உடல் தாதுக்களை உரமாக்குகிறது. உடலை பொன்போல் à®®ாà®±்à®±ுகிறது. இருà®®்பு, தங்கச் சத்திக்களை உடையது. காà®®ாலை எதுவாயினுà®®் குணமாக்குகின்றது. நீà®°ிà®´ிவைக் கட்டுப் படுத்துகின்றது. சளி, இருமல், தோல்பற்à®±ிய நோய்களுக்குà®®் மருந்தாகுà®®். மஞ்சள் பூவுடைய கரிசலாà®™்கண்ணி, துà®®்பை இலை, கீà®´ாநெல்லி சம அளவில் à®…à®°ைத்து நெல்லி அளவு பசுà®®்பாலில் காலை வெà®±ுà®®் வயிà®±்à®±ில் சாப்பிட்டு வர 7 - 10 நாளில் மஞ்சள் காà®®ாலை à®®ுà®±்à®±ிலுà®®் குணமாகுà®®். ஆனால் பளி, காà®°à®®் நீக்கி பத்த...

Happy International Women's Day

Dear friends, International Women's Day.  OK.  Best wishes to all Women.   Is our duty completed ?   No , Venkat Pakkangal do not think like that.   It is the right time to think about this..   Have you surprise your mother by presenting gift on her birthday in this year, even though she do not expect that  Have you helped your wife completely on THAT days in this month ? Have you play with your daughter in recent times or help her for her homework activity  Do you give seat in public transport to our women passenger ? Have you go with your sister for her shopping                                                Yes friends, Lot of atrocities are happening in the society against women. But at our level   we must  do something for the welfare of women.  We must spread the message , that every one i...

Balance enquiry ?


The Perfect Drink

Dear friends, Hot days are nearing.    Summer is coming.  Definitely this summer will be very much hotter than the previous ones.  NO rain even in the months of October and November   .   The culprit are none other than us.  We make our environment polluted.   Let it be.. I n this summer, if we and our kids want to get rid rid of heat related diseases, we must  DRINK more. Yes friends, We must drink more water.  An average person needs certain quantity of water daily.  In summer it must be a little more. Further we request our valuable readers to drink Tender Coconut.    It’s a natural  beverage with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. We wish to list out some of the benefits for our valuable readers. It reduces old aging Keeps the body cool Gives instant energy It is an Natural antiseptic Kills intestinal worms   ...

One more Please

Dear Friends, All of us know that every one call his own language as Mother Tongue.  Because , we express everything through that only.   Many of us wish to  Study additional languages to improve our knowledge. Studying additional language helps us to read good books published in that language.   Further it helps us when we are in that location . OK .  Is there any language to feed our spiritual thoughts? Yes the answer is YES.  It is Sanskrit  Friends, Venkat Pakkangal strongly recommends to study Sanskrit.