
Showing posts from February, 2017

Can u tell anything absolute ?

Dear Friends, Relativity -  The Theory which shattered  the year long belief of  the word absolute. There is no absolute East or West, Right or Left, Up or Down. Every thing depend upon the observers view. Here is an Article  about Special Relativity Theory. The Speciality of the article is  "Great concept expressed in easy way to understand " Is It possible for a person to be elder than his parents? “yes” says Albert Einstein. Let us see “how” Science is the religion of all- AlbertEinstein An introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity The theory of relativity of time was proposed in the year 1905 by the greatest 20 th century physicist, Albert Einstein at the age of 25. It placed him among the giants of human thoughts-Copernicus, Newton and others. In this article, I wish to explain some of the details about the relativity theory. I have a very little knowledge about this topic.  I propose to explain