
Showing posts from January, 2012

Dear Friends , Don't Sit

Dear Friends, We frequently hear the word " Sit Down" , when we were in our class room.  But the Modern Experts tell that Don't sit. why ? We are sitting, while eating, while watching TV, while working on computer, while browsing etc. etc. etc.  endless sitting .. are we right ?  E very hour spent in front of the television per day brings with it an  11 percent greater risk  of premature death from all causes, and an 18 percent greater risk of dying from  cardiovascular disease, a new study finds. The human body was designed to move, not sit  for extended periods of time   Some points for you ... When your sitting continues for an hour ....  Electrical activity in the leg muscle shuts off Colorie burning drops to 1 per minute Good cholestrol drops to 20% Insulin effectiveness stops 24%                       OK .   OK.  Somebody may tell " My job is like that I have to sit more hours " ..... Our suggestion is "  Don't Sit

Musical Fest

Dear friends, Yesterday , Thyagaraja Aradana , one of the greatest Musical Festival of Tamilnadu started .   Every Year, On Pushya Bahula Panchami,  the festival starts at Tiruvayaru.   Lot and Lot of experts  participated.  Lakhs of audience witness the festival directly and through media.     The Pancharathna Keerthana is very famous in this festival.  Dear Friends,  This is a great function.  If you have time to spare, Please go to Tiruvayaru and Be an audience.  If not possible, Please listen in All India Radio.   The Karnatic Music  has the power of giving peace to our mind  , find out by our forefathers.  Don't Miss the Bus. 

Happy Youth Day

Venkat Pakkangal Remembers Swamiji on this National Youth Day and  prays the God to give Concentration like Swamiji to all our readers on this National Youth Day. 

Beautiful Kashmir

Dear Friends,   The State which is in top of our Indian Map, is top in beauty also.   Our friend  Mr. Uday Saha has published some beautiful photos of Gulmarg in his blog.  That is for our Valuable readers Click the link below

Happy Vaikunta Ekadasi

Venkat Pakkangal Prays the almighty  Bagavan Vishnu to give all health and wealth to all our readers.   On the day of Vaikunta Ekadasi, fasting is good.  Let us think of the scientic value of fasting on this day. The Next day  that is called Dwadasi , we must include ( Ahathi Keerai in tamil) a green leaf food.  It has some more medicinal Value. The Opening of holy door ( Sorga Vaasal) in the morning, is very famous in Srirangam Sri Ranganatha swamy temple in Trichy District of Tamilnadu.   The same opening of Sorga Vaasal is done at Srivaikuntam Sri Kallarpiran Swamy Temple , in the evening which is also very famous.