Tender Exact Change please

Dear friends,
We want to tell about a person.

  • He Manages the Crowd - Queue Management  (Go inside please..)
  • He Manages the finance - MBA (Finance)(Where are going and giving Ticket and getting cash and returning the balance within minues)
  • He Manages People - MBA ( HR) (Don't Stand in steps..etc)
  • He makes Marketing - MBA (Marketing ) (In bus stops, he calls people to get in to the bus. calling Chennai, Chennai... Hosur, Hosur, Hosur like that

  •    He moves here and there through out the day.  He is none other than "BUS CONDUCTOR"
  • Yes friends,  We think he is more than an MBA   .. His nature of job is multifaceted like our blog. Many of us are getting tired ,when we travel for more than 3 hours.  But he travels daily and some days 24*7 travelling. isn't it ?

  • We must give due respect and help him by giving EXACT CHANGE. 



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