Want to be Slim ?


A simple posture daily Makes you slim Not only for beauty but also for Health.

How to do ?

  • Stand up straight, and place your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart.
  • Stretch your right arm up, then bend to your left, sliding your left hand down your thigh. Do not twist your body. 
  • Hold for 30 seconds, working up to 2 minutes with practice. Inhale as you straighten up again. Repeat the pose on the other side.
  • Your body forms a straight line, parallel to the floor. from your waist to your fingertips.


This massages the abdominal muscles and organs and prevents the skin around the  abdomen.


  1. HI dear friend,
    Thanks to come and comment on my blogspot.
    I am really saying that, don't have idea about Yoga. After I read this article, I am eager to do Yoga. I will try this.

  2. I could not see your profile here,
    If possible provide that.


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